Thursday, May 05, 2005

Deer Boy

On a happier note. My sweet Deer Boy is doing much better.
We discovered that if we give him and Princes diet coke before
school they are able to sit and concentrate more. He as gone from
having 4 f's to b & c's on his weekly assessment sheet.

I am so excited I am trying to find something special to take
both of them to..If any one has a ideal please share..


Trixie said...

I'm so glad to hear your good news about Deer Boy and Princess. It's good to see you posting again too. I've missed you and was worried. Can't wait to read more!

The OKC zoo is great, but that's probably a long ways from you. If I get some ideas I'll come back.

CrystalDiggory said...

Wow! That is good news. The zoo is a good idea, but if it's too much of a drive you could probably go to a wildlife sanctuary. I'm trying to think of what's available in your neck of the woods, but I'm drawing a blank. If I think of something, I'll post it.