Hello friends,
To say I have been as close to hell. Would be a tremendous understatement.
But alas, God has taken care of me once again. Praise God, he is good.
I am now employed. Two jobs, I work for a large home improvement store. I also work taking care of an Alzheimer patient. Each has it's rewards. The home improvement store, lets me look at construction workers all day. Looking is free.
The lady I take care of is just a blessing. I will call her Ava. I discovered she and I share the same birthday. Dec 14th. I was born on her 40 birthday. So this year we are having a big party. She still has more good days than bad.
Divorce, has gone as well as one of those can go. I get stronger everyday. My precious Deer Hunter and Princess are adjusting well. They had birthdays this summer. He was 11 she was 9. It is so hard for me to believe they are getting so grown up. The Deer Hunter broke his arm this summer. He was racing bikes. He was on someone else's bike. It had hand brakes and he is used to foot brakes. He ran right into the front of a parked 2 ton wrecker. We were having a barbecue. So we were all out side. I had my back to it. But heard the crash.
He was so brave. Jumped up and was walking to the house. After looking him over. We made a trip to the ER. I was so scared. He had and imprint of the handle bar in his chest. His cheek just below his eye was swelling up.
When we signed in he was shaking. The ER was full. I was afraid we would have to wait forever. But we went back to get evaluated, from there straight to ex ray, then back to a room right across from the nurses. With windows so they could see us. This was causing me concern. But when I went out to see if he could have a drink. I was told he could not. Because they were making sure he didn't have any internal injuries. We were blessed. He only came out with a black eye and a broken arm.
The next week. Their camp called me. The Princess had fallen on the concrete. They told me she would most likely have to have stitches. So once again we were off to the ER. They were able to glue it together. Thank God. It was almost more stress than I could take so close together.
We made stepping stone the other day, Ava too. They were all proud of how they came out. Ava really enjoys when I am able to bring kids over. The other day. She was taking a nap. When I went to get her up. She told me she woke up and heard the children. It made her happy to hear them laughing.
I have been blessed even more. I went to sign up for Beauty college. I found out I will get a grant and scholarship that will pay for all my cost. Now I only have to cut corners until I get out. I am also working on getting a small business loan to open my own shop.
So that has been my summer. What have you done? Congrats to Tech on his new book. I am hoping to get one when I get paid.